Thursday, July 9, 2009

at 1:57 PM Posted by kibowbiotech 0 comments

Extracted from National Kidney Foundation website.

As a chronic kidney disease (CKD) patient, you may have considered the use of herbal products to assist you with various health concerns. This fact sheet will give you some information to enable you to make decisions regarding your use of herbs.

Use of herbal supplements may be unsafe for CKD patients, since your body is not able to clear waste products like a healthy person. There are some facts about herbs that every CKD patient should know:

  • Very few herbs have been studied in CKD patients. What may be safe for healthy persons may not be safe for someone with CKD, and in fact, could be dangerous. Therefore, you need to be very cautious about your use of these products.
  • The government does not regulate herbal supplements, so the exact content of these products is unknown.
  • Without regulation, there are no requirements for testing, so the purity, safety and effectiveness of the products are unknown.
  • Herbal preparations are subject to contamination (may contain toxic heavy metals such as lead or mercury).
  • Products may contain minerals harmful to CKD patients, for example: potassium.

Some herbs that may serve as diuretics may also cause “kidney irritation” or damage. These include bucha leaves and juniper berries. Uva Ursi and parsley capsules may have negative side effects as well.

Many herbs can interact with prescription drugs. A few examples are St. Johns Wort, echinacea, ginkgo, garlic, ginseng, ginger, and blue cohosh. Transplant patients are especially at risk, as any interaction between herbs and medications could potentially put them at risk for rejection or losing the kidney. It is important to ask your doctor and/or pharmacist about any herbs or medicines you want to take to avoid potential problems.

Herbs that may be toxic to the kidneys
Artemisia absinthium (wormwood plant) Periwinkle
Autumn crocus Sassafras
Chuifong tuokuwan (Black Pearl) Tung shueh
Horse chestnut Vandelia cordifolia

Herbs that may be harmful in chronic kidney disease

Alfalfa Buckthorn Ginger Nettle Vervain
Aloe Capsicum Ginseng Noni juice
Bayberry Cascara Horsetail Panax
Blue Cohosh Coltsfoot Licorice Rhubarb
Broom Dandelion Mate Senna

Herbs known to be unsafe for all people
Chapparal Pennyroyal
Comfrey Pokeroot
Ephedra (Ma Huang) Sassafras
Lobelia Senna
Mandrake Yohimbe

These lists are not necessarily complete. More information regarding the use of herbs will become available over time. You are encouraged to proceed with caution with all herbal preparations and use them only under the direction of your medical team.

With all of these cautions, perhaps you are wondering if use of any herbs is a good idea. The use of common herbs, in normal amounts, when cooking is just fine and typically recommended to enhance the flavor of foods on a low-sodium diet.

So, before you take any herbal supplement, we recommend:

  • Checking with your doctor, dietitian, pharmacist and/or product manufacturer regarding safety, dosage, duration of use, interactions with prescription drugs, etc.
  • Use only standardized herbal extracts made by reputable companies.
  • Never take more than the recommended dosage, or longer than recommended.
  • Do not use herbal remedies for serious illness.
  • Do not use herbs if considering pregnancy.

Remember … natural does not mean safe, especially for CKD patients. Be smart and ask questions before using any herbal products.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

at 11:40 AM Posted by kibowbiotech 0 comments

Kibow has a recently published a paper on CMRO.

Probiotic dietary supplementation in patients with stage 3 and 4 chronic kidney disease: a 6-month pilot
scale trial in Canada

Aim: This was a pilot clinical trial to assess biochemical and clinical effects of an oral probiotic dietary supplement in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients (stages 3 and 4).

For the entire study paper, please visit:

Friday, June 26, 2009

at 1:23 PM Posted by kibowbiotech 0 comments

By Lorraine Heller, 25-Jun-2009

Taken from:

Probiotics are picking up in the US market as consumers become more aware of their role in maintaining digestive health, says Datamonitor.

Based on statistics broken down from one of its recent reports, Datamonitor said that a major driver behind increased consumer awareness has been the success of marketing campaigns for products such as Activia and Yakult.

"US Consumers are now more knowledgeable regarding the relationship between fiber and digestive health and are seeking out more ways of safeguarding their health with functional foods," said Mark Whalley, consumer markets analyst at Datamonitor.

Growing acceptance

The group’s comments, part of a geographical break down from a recent report on the global probiotics market, suggest that US consumers are becoming increasingly accepting of the concept of ‘friendly’ bacteria as awareness increases.

In 2008, Datamonitor valued the US market for probiotics at $1,526.7m, up from $952.1m in 2003.

Although the market is growing fast, it still remains well behind Europe, where probiotics have had more time to edge their way into consumer minds and guts.

Indeed, just last year a national survey carried out in the US by Opinion Research Corporation revealed that only 15 percent of American adults were familiar with the healthy bacteria. Some 85 percent of respondents knew “little to nothing” about probiotics.

A similar survey commissioned last year by LiveActive from Kraft Foods found that nearly two-thirds of Americans (63 percent) said they are “not at all familiar” with probiotics and only 13 percent of those who were familiar with them could define them accurately.

“Recognition of probiotics still has some way to go. However, it seems that the more consumers use these kinds of products in everyday life, the more they believe in the benefits,” Whalley told


According to Datamonitor’s statistics, from a report published in February this year – Opportunities in Digestive and Immunity Health: Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors – only a minority of consumers remain skeptical about probiotic product claims.

A Datamonitor consumer survey conducted last year revealed that only 14 percent of Americans found probiotic product claims to be untrustworthy.

“This is not surprising given the fact that digestive health has only recently become a mainstream issue in the United States,” said Datamonitor.

Around 38 percent of consumers trusted foods and beverages which make digestive health claims, while 47 percent were undecided.

Females were more likely to trust these products than males (41 percent compared to 36 percent), which could be expected given the fact that females suffer from digestive health problems more than males.

Digestive health is ‘mainstream’

In 2008, nearly 59.9 million Americans complained of heartburn, and this figure expected to rise to almost 73 million by 2013, amounting to nearly a quarter of the population.

According to Datamonitor, this increased awareness “is only the beginning of the digestive health movement.”

“In Asia Pacific countries such as Japan, the idea of drinking a daily Yakult is a far more normal and accepted part of life. As time goes on, the same culture is expected to develop across Europe and North America.”

"The real success of these products has been the way in which consumers have adopted them for a 'daily dosing' routine," said Whalley.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

at 1:20 PM Posted by kibowbiotech 0 comments

Taken from:

Public interest in probiotic foods and beverages has never been stronger and will continue to surge aided by medical fraternity interest, according to a recent Dannon and Yakult-funded meeting of international scientists and medical professionals.

Speaking at the 37th American Academy of Physician Assistants gathering in San Diego, California, attendees heard talks on the role of probiotics in foods as well as medical treatments.

The Physician Assistants from the fields of gastroenterology, nutrition, microbiology and pediatrics learnt how probiotic formulations that include foods can be applied in medical fields and how public interest continues to surge.

“Physician Assistants are increasingly asked to explain how probiotics like those in cultured dairy products and other foods or supplements can benefit the gastrointestinal tract, immunity, and health throughout the lifespan,” the organizers said.

Probiotic mechanisms

Dr. W Allan Walker, director of the Division of Nutrition at Harvard Medical School, explained some of the ways in which probiotic organisms can affect health, and focused on their ability to benefit early child development.

"In infants, gut bacteria are acquired up until about 2 years of age,” he said. “'Good' bacteria consumed during this time can therefore promote the right type of bacterial colonization and can lead to enhanced immunity”

It was noted that probiotics have been proven effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory infections and allergic conditions.

Mary Ellen Sanders, PhD, from the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics added to the discussion. "Bacteria colonizing our bodies are numerous and vital,” she highlighted.

“They outnumber our own cells 10-fold and are known to play critical roles in immune system development, maturation of intestinal cells and providing important metabolic functions that we can't do for ourselves. Probiotics can enhance these normal, beneficial activities of our colonizing microbes and have been shown to promote health in a variety of ways.”

Other speakers included Yehuda Ringel, MD, of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Martin Floch, MD, from the Yale University School of Medicine, who explored clinical applications for probiotics.

Yakult and Danone, the parent of Dannon, jointly established the Global Probiotics Council in 2004 to further probiotic research and advance public awareness.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

at 1:18 PM Posted by kibowbiotech 0 comments


By Anthony J. Brown, MD

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Pregnant women who take probiotic supplements starting in the first trimester are less likely to develop central obesity after they've given birth, according to a new study.

Central obesity was defined as a body mass index of 30 or higher or a waist circumference greater than 80 centimeters, about 31-1/2 inches.

At 1 year after giving birth, 25 percent of women given probiotics along with dietary counseling had central obesity based on that definition, compared with 43 percent of women given diet advice alone.

The findings were reported Thursday at the European Congress on Obesity being held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

"This is the first study showing that probiotics-supplemented diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding influences the adiposity of women over the 12-month postpartum period," Kirsi Laitinen, from the University of Turku, Finland, told Reuters Health.

The results stem from a study of 256 pregnant women who were given either probiotic capsules plus dietary advice, or placebo capsules plus dietary advice, or placebo capsules and no dietary advice. The probiotic capsules, which contained Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, were continued for up to 6 months after delivery until the women had stopped exclusive breastfeeding.

The percentages of women with central obesity at 1 year were 25 percent, 43 percent, and 40 percent in the probiotic, dietary advice-only, and no-probiotic/advice groups, respectively. The corresponding average body fat percentages were 28 percent, 29 percent, and 30 percent.

Laitinen noted that one limitation of the study was "the lack of baseline measurement of waist circumference, which was not possible to conduct in pregnant women."

Modification of normal bacterial in the intestines probiotics "together with a balanced diet may offer a reasonably economic, practical, safe and potentially successful method to be used with other lifestyle-related factors in controlling obesity," the researcher said -- while acknowledging that further studies are needed to verify these findings.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

at 1:04 PM Posted by kibowbiotech 0 comments

In the United States, most probiotic products are either foods or dietary supplements. A few probiotics are marketed as medical foods. Although fermented dairy products such as yogurt and kefir are typically associated with delivery of "beneficial cultures", the types of foods claiming to deliver probiotics has expanded to include granola and candy bars, frozen yogurt, cereal, juice and cookies. Whether or not any given product, even ones that claim to contain "probiotics", actually deliver adequate amounts of efficacious probiotic strains cannot be ascertained from just looking at the product. In general, consumers need to contact the manufacturer to determine what studies have been conducted on their specific product as formulated and what health benefits should be expected.

In food products, the probiotics used are primarily species of Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium, or Streptococcus thermophilus.

In the United States, yogurt is required to be produced by the fermentation by Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. However, post-fermentation heat treatment of yogurt, which kills all live cultures, is allowed. To help consumers distinguish between yogurts that contain live active cultures and those that do not, the National Yogurt Association established a "Live Active Culture" seal. The seal is available for use by any yogurt manufacturer on packaging and requires refrigerated yogurt to contain 108 viable lactic acid bacteria per gram at the time of manufacture. The seal also can be used on frozen yogurts containing 107 viable lactic acid bacteria per gram at time of manufacture. However, these counts do not differentiate probiotic bacteria from starter culture bacteria (L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus), and therefore the seal is not useful in determining if adequate levels of added probiotic bacteria are present in a yogurt. In other words, the standard refers to a total number of live cultures and levels of each microbe present do not have to individually meet the standard. The NYA is also currently petitioning the United States government to have the standard of identity of yogurt changed to require that the starter cultures be viable in the finished yogurt.

The dietary supplement market for probiotic cultures seems to be a more diverse and more active market than probiotics for dairy. The supplement market contains many different product formats and contents, including capsules, liquids, tablets and even food-like formats. If properly prepared and stored, probiotic bacteria can remain viable in dried form and reach the intestine alive when consumed. A diverse array of bacterial genera and species are represented in these products, including many different lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and less commonly, Enterococcus, Bacillus, Escherichia coli and yeast. Dietary supplement products are purchased primarily in health food stores or natural foods grocery stores.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

at 11:32 AM Posted by kibowbiotech 0 comments

Probiotics are defined as live, naturally occruing microorganisms which when administered or ingested in sufficient amount confer a positive health benefit on the host.

For example, for the probiotic bacterium, Bifidobacterium Longum (KB31), the genus is Bifidobacterium, the species is Longum and the strain is KB . Sometimes the company develops a marketing name for this strain and in this case, it is KB31.

Most probiotic products contain bacteria from the genera Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium, although other genera, including Escherichia, Enterococcus, Bacillus and Saccharomyces (a yeast) have been marketed as probiotics.

For our product, Kibow Biotics, there are 3 probiotic strains with a total of 30 million CFUs (Colony Forming Units).

Saturday, April 18, 2009

at 12:18 PM Posted by kibowbiotech 0 comments

Many medical experts believe that consuming healthy bacteria, called probiotics, improves the body's overall balance of good versus bad micro-organisms, boosting general health. But nutritionists warn that not all the probiotic-containing products found on store shelves provide the health benefits they claim.

Companies have sought to attract health-conscious consumers in recent years by putting probiotics in products as diverse as yogurt, juices, muffins and even pizza, as well as in dietary supplements. Last year, 231 new probiotic-containing products hit grocery and pharmacy shelves, up from just 34 in 2005, according to market-research firm Datamonitor PLC.

[Assessing the Benefits of Probiotics ]
Lindsay Holmes/The Wall Street Journal

Probiotics are found in products ranging from yogurt and ice cream to snacks and supplements.

To be sure, some regular foods contain healthy bacteria, from common yogurt to naturally fermented pickles. But pasteurization has eliminated much of the flora found in modern foods. The recent boom in probiotic products reflects an effort to re-introduce bacteria believed to promote good health. Probiotics are generally considered safe to eat, but scientists say people with immune deficiencies should consult their doctor first.

Companies that sell products with added probiotics claim they offer a range of health benefits, from helping with digestion to boosting the immune system and preventing cavities. Some of the claims are based on reputable scientific study. But others are unproved, and advertising pitches are sometimes exaggerated. The quality of probiotic supplements also varies widely. As a result, consumers might have a difficult time choosing among a host of products.

Of several hundred probiotic-product lines on the market in North America, "15 to 20 have clinical studies behind them," says Gregor Reid, a professor of microbiology at the University of Western Ontario's Lawson Research Institute.

Probiotics are defined as "live micro-organisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit," according to 2002 guidelines developed by the World Health Organization and the United Nations. Exactly how this works isn't fully understood, but scientists believe that good types of bacteria have long lived in symbiosis with humans and that the positive health effects may have evolved over time.

In choosing a probiotic, consumers should look for products that list a specific strain of bacteria on their label or on a Web site. Look for three names -- in Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, for example, the final two letters identify the strain. The GG strain has been well tested scientifically and has shown health benefits. A product that simply uses the first two names may include a similar, but not identical, bacterium that doesn't have the same science behind it.

The best evidence is when the actual product -- not just the bacterium -- has been tested in humans. Such studies are sometimes posted on manufacturers' Web sites. Otherwise, consumers can do an Internet search of the specific bacterial strain to see if there is credible evidence of a product's health claims. This can take some legwork.

[Assessing the Benefits of Probiotics]

Say, for example, you want information on the active bacteria in Activia, a probiotic-enhanced yogurt from Dannon Co. The product label identifies the strain as Bifidus Regularis, but this is only a marketing name. The Activia Web site, under the tab "for health-care professionals," links you to summaries of scientific papers that use the scientific name, Bifidobacterium animalis DN-173 010, which has been found to hasten digestion. For additional information, you can do an Internet search of that name and many of the scientific studies on the strain pop up.

Probiotic dietary supplements also may be confusing. In a 2006 study,, which tests nutritional products, found that just eight of 13 probiotic supplements met its quality standards. While there's no guarantee, consumers stand a better chance of getting quality products from well known, reputable manufacturers, scientists say.

Some additional tips when buying probiotic foods: Look for the word "live" on the package, since organisms killed by processing won't be helpful, says Gary B. Huffnagle, a professor at the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor. Respecting the expiration date is particularly important, because even if a product still tastes good the bacteria may no longer be alive. For maximum benefit, scientists say, try to consume a variety of different bacteria, as each may contribute something slightly different.

Here are some claims probiotic manufacturers make for their products:

Faster Digestion: Dannon's Activia yogurt and Yoplait Yo-Plus yogurt, made by General Mills Inc., contain bacteria that have been shown in scientific studies to reduce "transit time" of waste through the intestines. Slow digestion isn't necessarily bad but can cause discomfort, such as bloating or constipation.

Dannon points to four published studies testing a formulation similar to its product in humans. General Mills says a large body of scientific evidence backs up the efficacy of the bacteria in Yo-Plus. And the company says a recent study, presented at a conference of the American College of Gastroenterology, found that a dairy drink with the same active ingredients as a four-ounce container of Yo-Plus reduced transit time to 21 hours from 31 hours, compared with no change with a placebo. The study was funded by General Mills.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: This disorder, including cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhea, can be disabling. A scientific task force, which published its findings in the American Journal of Gastroenterology this month, concluded that certain probiotic bacteria -- primarily bifidobacteria -- have shown "some efficacy" in treating the condition.

One bacterium with solid science behind it is Bifidobacterium infantis 35624, the main ingredient in Procter & Gamble Co.'s Align dietary supplement. In a 2006 published study, partially funded by P&G, a daily dose of the product was shown to relieve a wide range of symptoms better than a placebo.

Colic: When babies scream or cry with no apparent reason, it's called colic. A study of 83 infants, published last year in the journal Pediatrics found that five drops a day of a probiotic supplement from Sweden's Bio Gaia AB reduced median crying time from 197 minutes a day to 51 minutes. A control group of babies was given a liquid medication commonly used to treat colic but not widely viewed as effective; this group's crying fell to a median of 145 minutes a day.

Immune Health: Studies have long found that probiotics help regulate the immune system on a biochemical level. A small but growing number of studies are showing concrete health benefits in humans. Among them is an Israeli study that looked at Lactobacillus reuteri 55730 and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12. Published in 2005 in Pediatrics, the three-month study of 201 infants found that babies fed with either of the two probiotic formulas had fewer episodes of fever and diarrhea than babies fed a control formula. Of the two bacteria, L. reuteri was more effective in preventing illness, the study found.

B. lactis Bb-12 is available in Yo-Plus yogurt and Nestle SA's Good Start Natural Cultures infant formula. The L. reuteri strain is in BioGaia's dietary supplements, as well as in Nestle's Boost Kid Essentials boxed dairy drink. The bacteria are in the straw and are intended to be ingested with the juice.

Other bacteria with scientifically demonstrated immune-health properties include Lactobacillus casei DN-114 001, the bacteria in Dannon's DanActive dairy drink, and L. rhamnosus GG, in Dannon's Danimals children's drink.

Oral Health: A small number of studies have found benefits for probiotics in preventing cavities and easing gum disease.

A two-week, 42-patient study published last year found that daily chewing of gum with BioGaia's L. reuteri strains improved gum health compared with a placebo gum. The study was funded in part by BioGaia. The gum product is not available in the U.S. But the company sells lozenges that BioGaia says it believes will be as effective as the gum.

A seven-month Finnish study of 594 children, published in 2001 in the journal Caries Research, found that children who drank milk infused with L. rhamnosus GG had significantly fewer cavities than those who drank regular milk. The study received funding from Valio Ltd., a Helsinki company that supplies the bacteria to food and dietary supplement companies, including Dannon for use in Danimals.

Antibiotic-associated diarrhea: Regular yogurt has long been used to stave off this unpleasant side effect of taking antibiotics. However, supplements and foods fortified with additional probiotics may provide further relief, scientists say. So far there is good scientific evidence for several strains, including L. rhamnosus GG and Saccharomyces boulardii lyo, a yeast sold by France's Laboratoires Biocodex SA as a dietary supplement under the brand name Florastor. Dannon's DanActive drink has also been shown effective.

- Laura Johannes

Thursday, April 16, 2009

at 12:12 PM Posted by kibowbiotech 0 comments

NEWTOWN SQUARE, Pa., May 14 /PRNewswire/ -- The Philadelphia area-based probiotics firm Kibow Biotech will be one of only three (3) Pennsylvania companies invited to present at the BIO 2009 Company Forum,, in Atlanta, GA on Tuesday, May 19. BIO is the world's largest biotechnology organization, providing advocacy, business development and communications services for more than 1,200 member companies and institutions worldwide. BIO members are involved in the research and development of innovative healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology technologies.

Dr. Natarajan Ranganathan, Interim CEO and Senior VP (R&D) of Kibow Biotech, stated, "It is indeed an honor to be selected to be part of this forward-looking group of biotech leaders. I will be presenting the technology and accomplishments of Kibow Biotech, which include the recent launch of Kibow Biotics(R), a patented and proprietary probiotic formulation in support of renal health. Our veterinary formulation, for dogs and cats with moderate to severe kidney failure, has been successfully sold on the North American market for the past three years." The veterinary product is called Azodyl(TM) and is marketed by Vetoquinol - USA, Fort Worth, Texas.

Kibow Biotics was made available in the US ( and in Canada ( in April 2009. The product is a dietary supplement and not a drug; it is not intended to be used as a drug or as a substitute for any drug application. The Company encourages referrals from healthcare professionals, even though Kibow Biotics is a non-prescription product. Scientifically developed and clinically tested, Kibow Biotics contains three distinct strains of carefully researched and specifically selected beneficial microbes (probiotics) that possess a high affinity for various nitrogenous waste products. When the kidneys are unable to filter toxins normally, the microbes metabolize the renal waste products and use them as nutrients for growth. As the microbes grow and replicate, they create colonies capable of utilizing even more nitrogenous waste products, which are then eliminated as solid waste. The Kibow Biotics technology is based upon the use of the bowel to support the function of the kidney.

A multi-site, 6-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over human clinical trial is already complete with positive and promising data in Canada. Similar clinical trials will be completed soon in USA, Mexico, Argentina and Nigeria. Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval has been obtained for dose escalation studies to be carried out at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

Priced economically, Kibow Biotics is conveniently available through the company website:

The development of Kibow Biotics has been made possible through partial federal funding obtained in the form of two National Institutes of Health (NIH) fast-track SBIR grants from the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK). Additional support has been provided by USAID.

For more information, visit

Saturday, April 11, 2009

at 10:57 AM Posted by kibowbiotech 0 comments

Kibow Biotics was launched on 3th April 2009.

Orders can be made online or through the phone at 1-888-271-2560

Check out the brand new website:

Monday, April 6, 2009

at 12:05 PM Posted by kibowbiotech 0 comments

Kibow Biotech, Inc. Launches Breakthrough Probiotic Dietary Supplement for Kidney Health in USA and Canada

NEWTOWN SQUARE, Pa., April 3 /PRNewswire/ -- After more than a decade of
research and development, Kibow Biotech, Inc. announced today the launch of
Kibow Biotics(R), the Company's new patented and proprietary probiotic
formulation targeting kidney health. This product will be sold exclusively
through their online store. Maintaining healthy kidney function is a concern
for over 200 million people worldwide. Despite this need, complementary and
alternative solutions have not been readily available, until now! Based on a
patented platform technology, Kibow Biotics uses the bowel to augment kidney

Kibow Biotics will be made available initially in the U.S.
( and in Canada ( The product is a
dietary supplement and not a drug; it is not intended to be used as a drug or
as a substitute for any drug application. The Company encourages referrals
from healthcare professionals, even though Kibow Biotics is a non-prescription

Dr. Natarajan Ranganathan, Interim CEO and Senior VP (R&D), stated, "As per
U.S. FDA and FTC regulations, we cannot refer directly or indirectly to our
product formulation with words like 'disease,' 'drug,' 'therapy,' 'prevent,'
'cure,' 'delay,' 'eliminate,' 'remove' or 'mitigate' any symptoms or
illnesses. However, in spite of the stipulations we encounter in communicating
their benefits, probiotics are increasingly well-accepted. In fact, there are
hundreds of dietary supplements available over the counter (OTC) in health
food stores and through various other distribution channels in the USA, in
Canada and in several other countries. We are delighted that Kibow Biotics
will represent new hope and significant savings for maintaining kidney health,
initially in North America and Canada and progressively in other parts of the

The latest in the Kibow family of scientifically developed and clinically
tested dietary supplements, Kibow Biotics contains three distinct strains of
carefully researched and specifically selected beneficial microbes
(probiotics) that possess a high affinity for various nitrogenous waste
products. The microbes metabolize the waste products and use them as nutrients
for growth. As the microbes grow and replicate, they create colonies capable
of utilizing even more nitrogenous waste products, which are then eliminated
as solid waste.

Kibow Biotics is composed of naturally occurring beneficial probiotic strains:
S. thermophilus (KB-19), L. acidophilus (KB-27), B. longum (KB-31), combined
with a dietary fiber (psyllium husk). Presented in an enteric-coated,
gluten-free, vegetarian gel capsule, each serving of Kibow Biotics contains a
total of 30 billion colony forming units (CFU).

When taken orally after every meal (3 times) on a daily basis, Kibow Biotics
has the potential to help maintain healthy kidney function. A multi-site,
6-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over human clinical trial is
already complete in Canada. Similar clinical trials are still in progress in
USA, Mexico, Argentina and Nigeria. The development of Kibow Biotics has been
made possible through partial federal funding obtained in the form of two
National Institutes of Health (NIH) fast-track SBIR grants from the National
Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK). Additional
support has been provided by USAID (funded through ICICI Bank, in Mumbai,

For more information, visit